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Frequently Asked Questions

When and where do you meet? 

The group typically meets in the evening during the week or on Saturday morning, depending on the event.  We have met in a variety of places including Strauss Gallery, The Fitton Center, Marcum Park as well as members' homes, depending on the activity. 


What types of activities do you do? 

Some of our events have been hands on art making (like still life sketching or plein air painting) some have been informational (touring the Stained Glass Studio in Middletown) and others have had a more social bent (viewing an art documentary with accompanying appetizers ). Our events to date have been designed to accommodate a majority interest from the group based on surveys. If you have a great idea for a meeting feel free to send a message



Do I have to practice with a particular medium to join? I'm not a painter-am I still welcome? 

Absolutely!! In fact we have a significant number of members who practice a wide variety of art! Printmakers, fiber artists, paper artists, glass, ceramic and mosaic, even chalk! 


Do I have to be a professional artist or sell my work to join? 

No! We have member artists from all stages of the artistic journey from beginner to professional. We all have something to learn from each other!


I want to be a member. How do I join? 

Click on our Members page and add your contact information to the form.  Membership dues are $25 / year but you can attend one meeting free to try it out!​


Professor Kim Taylor talk at The Strauss Gallery
Prof Kim Taylor talk at The Strauss Gallery
Listening to Prof Kim Taylor talk at The Strauss Gallery
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